2023 Winner
SilverCause/Public Service
"130 for 1"
"130 for 1"
When you supply hospitals with life-saving blood, blood products, and components like Héma-Quebec does, people notice. According to a 2022 Léger study, 79% of Quebecers recognize Héma-Québec without help, and 95% of respondents also do, with a little help. That notoriety comes in handy when you’re collecting 1,000 blood donations every day.The organization supports many people, including those with sickle cell anemia, a blood disorder that causes red blood cells to become abnormally shaped, leading to unbearable pain.
Sadly, one out of 10 Black people in Quebec have the gene for sickle cell anemia. More surprising is that it takes an average of 130 compatible donations to treat one adult with this disease. Plus, only blood transfusions from a Black person with a similar genetic makeup are compatible.
With that in mind, the campaign objective was to raise awareness for sickle cell anemia in these communities and encourage their reflex to give without marginalizing them.
The challenge was daunting: despite Héma-Quebec’s recognition, sickle cell disease remains relatively unknown among people of African descent. What’s more, these people are tentative when it comes to donating blood. From the late 18th century to the end of the 1980s, Black communities suffered because of the Red Cross scandal, in which blood transfusions caused infections. Because of this, the agency knew a campaign based on trust would be the smartest approach.
It’s very common for this group to help one another, especially when a member of the community reaches out for help. The Black community also shares a strong sense of belonging, so if a member asks for assistance, they readily offer their support. The “130 donations for one” theme aligns perfectly with the idea of “strength in unity” – it has been used by various black countries and entities throughout history.
To illustrate the fact that it takes 130 donations to treat just one person in a surprising way, they contacted 130 specific blood donors. Unbeknownst to them, they were brought together to meet the recipient of their generosity. This powerful moment, when she told them how they were connected, was captured on camera. This dialogue between a young woman with sickle cell anemia and her real donors, all from Black communities, opened the viewer's eyes to the “liquid power” they carry within themselves.
What starts off as a fun survey in a safe space quickly leads to a pledge of collective trust. This is followed with an infectious sense of pride when the recipient reveals that she owes her life to the 130 people before her.
The idea was to empower the community by highlighting their ability to make a significant difference in someone’s life.
In this awareness campaign, representatives from the Black community celebrated 130+1 heroes and heroines, who, along with their loved ones, experienced a wave of pride and solidarity.
The results exceeded the initial objective. In 2022, new donations within Black communities increased by 59% compared to 2021. The 18-34 age group accounted for nearly 80% of new donations. In addition, 720 appointments for blood donations were made in three weeks. The cost per acquisition (CPA) dropped by 355% compared to similar campaigns (booking appointments for donations and registrations for the platform). Over 1,300,000 people saw the video, its most-watched by far. It was shared 182 times on Facebook. The video was also noticed by international public health organizations who want to share it in their country.
In short, this initiative inspired them to give by celebrating the power of the Afro-descendant movement.
Client: Héma-QuébecHead of Marketing: Catherine Viau
Marketing Manager: Josiane Riendeau
Agency: Tam-Tam\TBWA
Creative Director: Manuel Ferrarini
Art Directors: Philippe Natewajko, Gabrielle Turcotte, Cynthia Laverne Chartrand
Copywriters: Simon Grégoire, Christian O’Brien, Miki Laval
Strategists: Ingrid Enriquez-Donissaint, Yann Édouard Cayard
VP Client Services: Audrey Lefebvre
Account Director: Justine Langevin
Senior Account Executive: Charlotte Henry
Print Production Manager: Michelle Turbide
Mac Artist: Simon Durivage
Electronic Production Director: Edith Cayer
Media: Carat
Production House: Parade Studios
Camera and Photo Directors: Anthony Ayotte, Steve Danyluk
Audio: Lamajeure
Illustrators: Peter Peeta, Edwin Chery, Greggy Greg, Pierre Louis
For registration inquiries, please contact Rhea Shetty at rshetty@brunico.com.
For partnership inquiries, please contact Neil Ewen at newen@brunico.com.
For partnership inquiries, please contact Neil Ewen at newen@brunico.com.