Q: Can I enter this campaign, even though it only partially ran during the eligibility dates for the awards?


A: Yes, as long as the majority of the campaign fell within the eligibility dates. If a four-month campaign only ran a week into the eligibility period, that would not qualify. Likewise, if you just launched a campaign one day before our final deadline, you may not have any results to describe the impact of your work, and you’d be better to enter the following year.



Q: Can I enter this campaign, even though we entered it in the previous Strategy Awards competition as well? It ran during the eligibility period.


A: Depends. For a campaign to be entered in consecutive years, there needs to have been significant new strategy or creative implemented since the previous year (and this will need to be clearly outlined in the case summary document).



Q: Can I enter the same campaign into multiple categories? Or multiple campaigns into the same category?


A: Yes. Though, each entry will be charged individually.  Please note that it is highly recommended that you tailor your case summary document to each specific category you are entering, to ensure that the judges are able to clearly and easily make the connection between the work and how it succeeds in that particular category.



Q: Can I continue editing my entry after payment has been made?

A: Yes. Payment does not lock the content of an entry. Only the final deadline will do that.



Q: Is there a final “submit” button I need to push? How do I know my entry is complete?


A: There is no final “submit” button. Once an entry is paid, it has a place secured in the competition. Once the final entry deadline passes, all paid entries are taken as they are, and proceed to judging. 



Q: Do I have to follow the provided case document format?


A: Yes. Because the case document format reflects the criteria upon which judges will score the work, we require all entrants to follow the format identified on the Material Requirements page. If you describe the case in unique terms, the judges may not be able to score it as easily because they are confined to the metric.



Q: My campaign doesn’t have any results yet. Can I still enter?


A: Yes, you can still submit, but bear in mind that you are potentially forfeiting upwards of 25% from your total potential score, by not having any results available. Each entry is scored as follows: 50% Strategic planning brilliance, 25% execution excellence, and 25% nailed goals & delivered results. If your campaign has recently launched, and you do not have results available yet, we suggest waiting to enter the following year.



Q: The material requirements state “The content of your entry MUST NOT show who the submitting agency is in order to prevent any bias either for or against your entry”, but I am not a creative/media agency. Do we still have to keep our name/logo confidential?


A: For judging purposes, all creative/media agency logos must be kept confidential. The client name and/or logo is necessary, so any self-promotional work is the exception to the rule. Nevertheless, wherever possible, please keep your name confidential, by using language like “We noticed that… Our initial launch saw a growth of… We exceeded our target by…”, etc. 



Q: I have a great campaign, but I don’t know which category it would excel the best in. Can you recommend which category for me to enter?


A: No. While the Strategy Awards Coordinator is more than happy to answer any questions you may have about any of the categories, we cannot recommend which category you should enter. Review the category descriptions, and go with whichever you feel it fits best. Keeping in mind, you are always welcome to enter more than one category, if you feel your particular campaign would do strongly in multiple different categories.



Q: Is there a limit to the amount of visual materials I can include with my entry? 


A: No. There is no official limit to the amount of visuals you can include with your entry, however, we do ask that you please be cognizant of our judges’ time, and only upload the files that best showcase your entry within the lens of the category you are entering. The more integrated a campaign is, the more you will have to show, but always aim for quality over quantity.



Q: Have a question that you don’t see on this page? 


A: Reach out to our Awards Coordinator, who will be able to help answer any questions or concerns. Their contact info can be found at the bottom of this page.


For registration inquiries, please contact Rhea Shetty at rshetty@brunico.com.
For partnership inquiries, please contact Neil Ewen at newen@brunico.com.